
RosemaryDoll is a new international and professional adult doll reseller. We're the official authorized reseller of TPE/Silicone sex dolls, and we have cooperated with many famous brand sex doll manufacturers, such as WM, YL, SE and etc.


Was auch immer dich anmacht, unsere Puppen mit Ihren ansprechenden Körpern sind stets für dich bereit. Egal wo, egal an was für einem Ort. Zusammenfassend kannst du deine wildesten und geilsten Träume mit unseren Puppen ausleben. Mit einer von unseren realen Sexpuppen kannst du dir Momente der absoluten Lust und Leideschaft bescheren. Ebenso wann du willst, womit du willst und wie du es willst. Deine Liebespuppe von ist garantiert für jeden Spaß zu haben.



YourDoll - JP

当社のラブドールは全て正規の工場から生産となり、品質が保証でき、全商品は正規代理認証済みです。 幅広いデザインで、400体以上のラブ人形をストアにて提供しております。 これからもより高品質、より低価格な商品をご提供できるよう努めますので、ご愛顧よろしくお願いします。


Nous sommes reconnus en tant que vendeur officiel certifié sur le plus gros forum international de poupées sexuelles. Retrouvez notre forum dédié (en anglais) sur The Doll Forum. Nous avons été les premiers à proposer un service client joignable via un tchat en ligne 7j/7 et 24h/24, ainsi qu'un numéro de téléphone gratuit joignable à toute DollsFrance a su s'imposer dans le domaine des poupées sexuelles en apportant des choses nouvelles.

YourDoll - US

Your Doll is an authorized vendor of TPE Sex Dolls (WM, YL, OR...). As one of the popular sex doll vendors in the world, they always provide the most efficient, responsive, comfortable customer service: Free worldwide shipping, discreet packaging, 24/7 customer support, no hidden charges. With 500+ sex dolls, You will find the best one you want at Your Doll. Their showroom is available in California.

OL doll

弊社はTPE / シリコン製リアルラブドールを取り扱うドール専門店です。取り扱われているブランドは、弊社が商品品質を確認したうえで、現地製造工場でのデザイン開発・製造工程・保管状況が弊社の取扱基準をクリアしたブランドです。また、ドールはお客様の素肌に接することが多い商品のため、素材に関してはRoHS / CE / FDA基準をクリアしたものとなっています。お客様の理想の商品をお届けするために、製造工程に入る前にお客様の要望の確認を綿密に行い、製造後は写真・動画により出来栄えの確認をお客様に行っていただいた上で出荷しております。

Cloud Climax

Cloud Climax are the experts in managing the import, ordering and delivery process of your sex doll. Every doll is delivered to our UK warehouse where it is thoroughly checked ensuring it meets the highest of standards. Delivering directly from our warehouse, we remove the stress of dealing with overseas suppliers, customs and logistics. And with anonymity and discretion at the forefront of everything we do, know you’re in safe hands with Cloud Climax.

Charm & Ko

Charm & Ko is a sex doll select store that offers high-quality and low price TPE / silicone dolls for sale. The products sold here are brands that have passed our own strict handling standards in terms of design development, manufacturing process, and storage conditions at the local manufacturing plant after we have confirmed the product quality.


The best product quality, the best customer service, that's what we can offer you. Customer satisfaction is what we want. We insist on sending you confirmation photos before shipping because we want you to see your sex doll as it really is!We are confident that we are the best specialist vendor of sex dolls. Our product catalog is constantly growing because we are tireless and never satisfied and strive to be the best.


Kichi-dollをご利用いただき、誠にありがとうございます!弊社はお客様に絶対後悔しないリアルドールを提供致すます! ★弊店はWM Doll、DollHouse168、AXBDOLLとMOMODOLL高級なTPE製リアルダッチワイフ を提供しており、また、Piper Doll、ElsaBabeなど高品質なプラチナシリコン製のセックス人形を販売していただきます。これらのドールはおもに、高度な技術を持っているラブドールメーカーにより、高品質な素材を使用して製造しできました。ぜひ、お客様に最高の体験を与えますよう努めていただきます。 安心と信頼、適正な価格!業界最高レベルの安さ!♥いつでも誠実&丁寧対応♥


Karendollは正規のラブドール 販売 店であり、販売する全ブランドより正式な認可を受けております。Karendollはlove ドール 販売を専業としており、また低価格でも高品質なリアル ドールを全ての顧客にご提供したいと考えています。その為、高額でリアル ラブドールを販売して巨額の利益を上げることは御座いません。弊社を信頼して頂いておりますお客様にご心配をおかけしてしまい申し訳ございません。今後ともKarendollを宜しくお願い申し上げます。






DLDOLLSはアダルト ラブドール 代理店として、最高品質の商品を安心してご提供いたします。出荷前に、実物写真をご確認可能です。あなたの想像力や欲望を現実に近づけることができるでしょう。男性も女性もぜひこの機会に、魅力的な等身 大 の 人形との素敵な時間を満喫してみてください。今ならまさに理想のセックス 人形を手に入れる絶好のチャンスです。ぜひこの機会をお見逃しないください! また、弊店の成長を加速すること顧客の満足度向上を目指すので、万が一、商品に関するご質問等ありましたら、いつでもお気軽にお問い合わせください。


Perfectdoll is one of the biggest online stores in Germany for TPE and silicone sex dolls. We work exclusively with premium manufacturers and can therefore offer best quality at a reasonable price. In order to give our customers the best experience possible we also offer a free after sales process to every customer. - Germanys #1 Shop for Sex Dolls - No shipping costs - 24/7 support - Lowest Price Match Guarantee


Welcome to FantasyWives! We’re thrilled to introduce you to our exceptional selection of 100% authentic, high-quality sex dolls. As an authorized and independent vendor verified by TDF(The Doll Forum), we are dedicated to helping you find the perfect lifelike sex dolls that cater to your unique desires.

ZUDI DOLL / zudi doll 은 한국에서 가장 큰 성인 인형 판매사 입니다. 항상 고객의 입장에서 고객과 소통 하며, 철저한 선적전 정밀 검사 / 판매 후 관리 및 AS 에 최선을 다하고 있습니다.


ARTIFICIAL COMPANIONS provides artificial companions to satisfy that natural need that we all have for a friendly human presence. We combine our 30-years of experience in the adult toy industry with research and technology to help people who feel isolated, depressed, unmotivated… alone.


Mailovedoll is a franchiser of high-end sex dolls. Mailovedoll was established in 2019 and now has a stable customer base after 2 years of rapid development. Unlike other franchisers who only focus on selling products from high-end brands, we focus on putting high-end into service while building a perfect sales channel for brands we work with, and we will provide you with the most thoughtful and thorough customer service all the time.

Honey Love Doll

HoneyLoveDoll established in 2021, we are committed to design the most realistic sex dolls, all the dolls on our website are genuine authorized by the brand's factory.We have many experienced designers, artisans and makeup artists to make every detail flawless, ensuring that every one of our clients loves these sex dolls and enjoy every moment with them.

Love Doll Senpai

Welcome to! We specialize in providing high-quality silicone and TPE love dolls. We also love cosplay, and we love these dolls that help us fulfil those fantasies. We know that cosplay is more than just a hobby, it's a passion that allows you to embody your favorite characters and escape reality for a little while.

Fine Love Dolls

Created in 2016, Fine Love Dolls counts among the top 5 leading online retailers of ultra-realistic sex dolls. Browse among more than 1,000 gorgeous models or create your own 100% from head to toe using our industry-unique customizer! Fine Love Dolls is your one-stop-shop for any accessories, detached parts, cosplays, clothing, jewelry, makeup etc...for your love doll!


弊社は、「ドールに愛を込めて、心と心をつなぐ」を経営理念として、2017年に創業致しました。 弊社で取扱っているラブドールは、実際に各メーカーの本社や製造工場に足を運び正規代理店契約するとともに、 お客様の健康と安全性を第一に考え、CE ,ROHS, FDA機関より品質管理の基準をクリアしているメーカーと正規ライセンスを結んでおります。 全て厳選された信頼できるメーカーの正規品であり、安心できる商品です。弊社の通販サイトは更に分かり安く、お求め安く。 ご注文からお迎えに至るまではもちろん、アフターサービスに至るまで、弊社は皆様と製造工場の間に入り代理店としての責任を果たしてまいります。 写真と同じ商品を保証しております。また専属の国内スタッフがご相談、購入のサポートをさせて頂きます。お気軽にお問合せください。


為了推廣矽膠娃娃 76DOLLSHOP創立了 76dollshop為台灣最大真人矽膠娃娃專賣店,自2017年於台灣設立高雄旗艦店,在2023年的今天在台灣已經陸續成立了高雄、台北兩家店面。 為台灣最多代理品牌矽膠娃娃廠商,代理世界各大品牌成人矽膠娃娃/真人娃娃,專營矽膠娃娃販售、周邊保養商品、矽膠娃娃衣物配飾等相關產品,提供專業娃偶修復和妝容美化服務。

Sweet Mate

弊社で取扱っているラブドールは、実際に各メーカーの本社や製造工場に足を運び正規代理店契約するとともに、 お客様の健康と安全性を第一に考え、CE ,ROHS, FDA機関より品質管理の基準をクリアしているメーカーと正規ライセンスを結んでおります。 全て厳選された信頼できるメーカーの正規品であり、安心できる商品です。弊社の通販サイトは更に分かり安く、お求め安く。 ご注文からお迎えに至るまではもちろん、アフターサービスに至るまで、弊社は皆様と製造工場の間に入り代理店としての責任を果たしてまいります。 写真と同じ商品を保証しております。また専属の国内スタッフがご相談、購入のサポートをさせて頂きます。お気軽にお問合せください。


Naše sexdolls jsou vyráběny z těch nejvěrnějších materiálů a velký důraz klademe i na kvalitu jejich provedení. Proto si u nás můžete pořídit i speciální panny na zakázku, které splní vaše nejdivočejší představy. Veškeré zboží je přímo od nás z České republiky a produkty označené jako skladem máme skutečně ihned k dispozici k odeslání. Všechny objednávky jsou vyřizovány s maximální diskrétností. Balení je zcela bez zmínky o erotickém zboží. je vaším spolehlivým obchodem s erotickým zbožím.


We are an authorized & independent sex doll studio and vendor. Provides life-sized, real & authentic love dolls. Serving all over the world. Our customer-focused team is friendly, experienced, and open-minded. We have had our photography team create unique product styles for 8 years for many famous doll brands. Our selection team aims to provide better products and services for doll fans.

AllYourDolls is a premium sex doll vendor serving a global customer base since 2023. Based in Colorado US with a branch in Hong Kong China, we offer over 2,000 dolls, including female, male, and torso models. We stand by five promises to ensure your satisfaction: ✔ 100% Authentic products ✔ No hidden fees, just the final price ✔ Photos and videos for confirmation before shipping ✔ Custom options, even beyond listed choices ✔ 100% Satisfaction with a hassle-free money-back policy We provide multilingual customer support and worldwide shipping to serve customers everywhere. Discover your perfect match at


Urdolls was founded in 2013 and we have our own doll manufacturing factory. So we can achieve true quality and detail control. Each of our dolls is hand-carved by a master with 30 years of experience. In the process, we use advanced scientific research techniques and perfect processes. Our philosophy is to develop and produce the most realistic dolls. Bring the best experience to customers.


Được thành lập từ năm 2015 đến nay Shop Thăng Hoa là một trong những đơn vị chuyên cung cấp các loại đồ chơi tình dục chất lượng trên thị trường. Trong thời đại phát triển ngày nay thì nhu cầu tình dục của con người cũng tăng cao hơn. Và việc sử dụng đồ chơi tình dục sẽ giúp cho nhiều người tránh được các bệnh truyền nhiễm ngoài xã hội. Mà khi mắc phải chúng thì rất khó để chữa khỏi, khiến người ta sẽ ân hận khi lây cho vợ chồng của mình. Với mục tiêu chăm sóc sức khỏe cho mọi cá nhân thì chúng tôi luôn đáp ứng những sản phẩm chất lượng, không độc hại đến cơ thể. Vì vậy các bạn sẽ yên tâm sử dụng sản phẩm hơn. Với đội ngũ nhân viên chăm chỉ, tư vấn nhiệt tình sẽ giúp cho bạn lựa chọn được sản phẩm một cách ưng ý nhất.

Ponemos a tu disposición una amplia selección en nuestra tienda de muñecas sexuales muy completa y variada, ofreciéndote siempre las modelos de comprobada calidad de los fabricantes más cualificados en el mercado actual. Nosotros te entendemos y sabemos lo que necesitas, por ello siempre estamos a tu disposición para aclarar cualquier duda que tengas.


es freut mich sehr, dass Sie sich für Sexpuppen von Villabagio interessieren! Mein Name ist Alexander Nieber. Ich habe dieses Unternehmen, was sich auf den Verkauf lebensechter Sexpuppen spezialisiert hat, 2016 gegründet. Damals sind mir besonders die, überhöhten Preise, eine mangelnde Transparenz und eine spärliche Auswahl an Zahlungs- und Lieferoptionen aufgefallen. Mein Ziel war es, genau diese Mängel in der Branche zu beseitigen und genau das ist es auch, was Villabagio heute auszeichnet: günstige Preise, eine transparente Konfiguration, und eine breite Auswahl an Liefer- und Zahlungsoptionen. offers more than premium TPE and silicone sex dolls of different superior brands. We have been dedicated to sex toys for 10 years. With so many bodies and head styles to choose from, our dolls are handmade by top manufacturers in the world to ensure we offer you the best user experience. We provide free discreet shipping for most countries by DHL, FedEx or UPS. We offer a guarantee on every product purchased from us. If there is a mistake with your order, any defects, or any other problems, we will either fix the issue or replace the doll. At, you will actually get what you want.


Venus Love Dolls, the premier supplier of premium quality sex dolls & the best place to buy sex dolls, started in Los Angeles California in 2020. Venus is the name of the Roman goddess of love symbolizing emotions of love, beauty and harmony. We are registered business with Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk. Please check our Certifications Page for a copy of our Fictitious Business Name Statement or search for the business name Venus Love Dolls on Los Angeles County Registrar-Recorder/County Clerk website.

Doll studio

Dollstudio was founded in 2008 as a workshop by four artists and creatives; the old Dollstudio in Berlin-Moabit was specialized on Töpfern with Ton und Lehm, lifecasting, and sculpting in miniatures in 1/3 to 1/6 scale. Der Schwerpunkt verlagerte sich dabei von der Arbeit mit Irdengut immer mehr auf synthetische Materialien wie Silikone. Aus diesen Arbeiten entwickelte sich die heutige Produktlinie Dollworks.

SXDolled is the official retailer of basically any and all reputable sex doll brands on the market. As a trusted partner for all of these trusted manufacturers, we guarantee that when you purchase from us your new sex doll will be authentically hand-crafted to order and directly from a reputable manufacturer. We do not work with any manufacturers that create fakes.We are a global business, based in Australia, run by and for sex doll lovers across the world.


Ineed4gift是马来西亚网上商店, 全球性批发与零售上千的服装。每个月,我们将带给全国的客户,与数千来自亚洲各地不同品牌的最新最IN的成人性玩具。

магазин - первый официальный магазин № ] в россии и снг по продаже реалистичных секс кукол в полный рост.наш магазин - первый и официальный дилер в россии всех представленных у нас в каталоге брендов. Мы не торгуем дешевыми подделками, как наши многочисленные недобросовестные конкуренты.вы можете запросить любую информацию о нас как об эксклюзивном официальном дилере на сайте завода производителя.


Our company is located in Dongguan, China. As one of the centers of advanced manufacturing in China. Dongguan has the most complete doll industry chain in the world. With the convenient transportation, we can reach any factory within two hours. We can provide our customers with a variety of fast and creative products.


I have more than 5 year experiences in sex doll industry, then I establish Dollter brand in 2018. Dollter specializes in cute dolls, anime dolls, mini dolls. Hope you can find your dream doll here! If you don’t know how, please talk to me. My email is

The Doll Channel

The Doll Channel is the United States based Sex Doll Company that specializes in sales and services related to sex dolls.

First Love Doll

Whether you’re looking for the special love doll you’ve always dreamed of, a lifelike sex doll for sex, or want to customize a doll like someone you meet in your life, it's all right here, waiting for you to discover! At First Love Doll, we have a love doll for everyone and are passionate about providing fellow doll lovers the best.



Dolli on suomalainen seksinukkeja promoava sivusto. Dollin tarkoitus on jakaa seksinukkeihin liittyvää tietoa sekä tarjota luotettavat kauppiaat. Kauppiaiden sivuilta Suomalaiset voivat ostaa itselleen aitoja, alkuperäisiä ja laadukkaita seksinukkeja sen sijaan, että he tulisivat huijatuksi heikompi laatuisilla ja kalliimmilla kopioilla. Dollin jälleenmyyjät ovat myös The Doll Forum varmennettuja joka on globaali seksinukke foorumi missä seksinukkejen omistajat voivat vaihtaa kuulumisia nukkeihin liittyen sekä arvostella seksinukkeja, niiden valmistajia sekä jälleenmyyjiä. Forumilta löytyy myös kaikki nimekkäät seksinukke valmistajat.

Naughty Harbor

We are an ambitious company predicting and adapting to the world of sex-wellness.. We help people to fulfil their sex life, as well as help them realize their erotic desires and fantasies. We want to make sex with robots realistic accesable. Our mission is to break the sexual taboos of today's society


Dein housedoll-Team aus Berlin „Unsere lebensechten Liebespuppen sind sauberer als jeder Mensch.“ Unser Hygienekonzept, entwickelt mit einer Chemie-Fachfirma, spezialisiert auf Liebespuppen dieser Klasse, sorgt für strenge und stark kontrollierte Abläufe in Reinigung, Trocknung und Desinfektion.“ Salvadore:Gründer

Doll Authority

Doll Authority was born out of a commitment to prioritize customer satisfaction, product quality, and groundbreaking advancements in AI technology. Our goal is simple: to provide exceptional service and superior products that enhance the lives of our customers without compromising on ethics or quality.


Oksexdoll is one of the world's top rated life size sex dolls shops, we only provide high quality full size sex doll. We promise all real sex dolls are premium and realistic. Free shipping worldwide. We also focus on customers' privacy protection, you won't find any personal information on your packages.

First Dolls

Firstdolls are a well-known authorized sex doll reseller,offer realistic sex dolls high quality with best price, a variety of styles of silicone &TPE sex doll factory outlets, and help you get the most authentic sex experience. Our advantages and guarantees:√ Lowest Price Guarantee! √ 100% Authentic Guarantee! √ 100% Privacy ! Discreet and Free shipping! √ No Import Tax! Money Back Guarantee! √ 100% Good Reviews! 24h customer service! Email:


Coeros is the world’s first professional sex doll store offering wide selection of sex doll accessories and offering customizable services. As sex doll enthusiasts, we have real experience and extensive knowledge on all things sex doll related. Our mission was to bring excitement and happiness into people’s lives by selling high-quality sex doll related products.

Hi Love Doll

Hi Love Doll believe that sex is a natural instinct—something to be expressed freely, without shame. We welcome and respect every individual’s unique pursuit of intimacy and passion. You’ll find your own “love” and “companion” in Hi Love Doll. Whether you’re seeking personalized customization or exploring diverse options, we are dedicated to meeting your needs. If you’re ready to express your emotions, release your true self, or discover your personal happiness, take that brave first step. Choose Hi Love Doll, and we’ll help you find that one-of-a-kind partner who brings joy and sweetness to your life. Hi Love Doll hopes to make every choice you make a memorable and joyful experience.